logo (smiley with sunglasses holds a sign that reads “NS studios!”)

👋 Welcome!

Welcome to NS studios!

Free and affordable programs, audio games, royalty-free music and sound libraries…


Programs page Updated with 8 new entries.

A very, very long overdue update, but the programs page has been updated with 8 new entries including my Swamp JAWS scripts, a patch for games made in Renpy that allows them to speak to NVDA or JAWS, and a few more tiny utilities you may or may not find useful.

Also there's a small change to the program page's layout, and website footer.

I hope all of you are doing well.

Thank you.

Tweesecake soundpack update, Goodnight update

Tweesecake soundpacks have been updated to support image, poll, and vote earcons. The GitHub pack's boundary is updated, as well as the feeds' close timeline sound.

As you might have noticed, Goodnight is not currently available due to hosting difficulties, it may or may not come back, but I don't promise anything.

New service “Good Night”, soundpacks updated, Online Email Client discontinued, plans for the future.

I hope all of you are doing well, it has been many years since the last update.